It is clearly a different way of teaching golf and I think it works well for someone who is able to give it some focus and practice/playing time commitment. It has been incredibly helpful to me. My basic swing is vastly improved and this has positively affected every aspect of my game--from short game to drives. Equally important to me has been a new ability to diagnose WHAT is going wrong when I start to struggle on the course. Most of the time I'm able to get the problem at least partly fixed. The bad habits don't stay away forever, but usually I can recognize what's going wrong now.
It is great that practice time is more time efficient and smarter now. I have a better routine for incorporating short game practice with putting and long game practice. Because I have weekly focus areas that are specific to my game NOW, and some formal drills, the practice itself is much more goal-oriented rather than rote hitting.
There is a lot of email and text dialogue with you in between sessions, as I've been posting you after almost every round on what has gone well and what has gone poorly. Our follow up work on side-hill lies was a recent example of how that has been helpful. I find this conversation to be great--it keeps me focused on the right things.
Even though the process of learning golf can be incredibly frustrating to me at times as I fall back into bad habits or forget what I learned last week, I appreciate that you're very calm about taking it back to the basic swing and getting me back on track. You never pretend that there are any shortcuts and you don't let me me get away with anything. Yet at the same time it is very positive.
My confidence on the course, particularly with respect to certain clubs and certain situations, is much improved. Even when things aren't perfect now, the misses are less disastrous. I don't go into the downward spiral too often. I'm much more "in the moment" when I'm setting up and preparing to hit because I have a plan.
Thanks for inviting me to participate--it has been great!
(Did I tell you I got a birdie on 5??!!)